
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Plans Change, Stay on Track

Happy Tuesday, lovelies! Since yesterday was a snow day, I've been confused about my days! 

Today the weather gave us a bit of a break & hit 50 degrees. I was so excited to be able to take the dogs for a walk. Phoenix got to play outside after school. It was a glorious day!

So what do you do when you're meal plan goes awry one day? Here's what happens to me..."So what do you want?" "I don't know, what do you want?" "You pick." "I don't want to pick." Yes, that is our household conversation. Since Joey has been beaten down by a stomach bug--I made him pick. Fortunately, he picked Which Wich. 

When we have to eat out {have to isn't exactly true, but we weren't following the plan by going to Joey's moms house}, first I cringe because then we are spending money when we have a fridge full of [frozen meat] groceries. Then I start to think, what's the healthiest place we can eat? Where can I not ruin my good eating streak? I mean, it's only Tuesday--who wants to ruin a streak that early in the weak?! Lettuce-wich for me, please!

On the weekends, I give myself a little slack with the eats. Now, that doesn't mean I go crazy. It means if Joey buys a pint of ice cream for himself, I will definitely be sneaking a couple of bites. I mean, I don't want him to get a stomach ache. My mom is the worst about having candy dishes out. I have such a hard time with self control & candy dishes! That's another of my weaknesses. 

Now the mini me & I are finishing up our movie & then he's off to bed. When he goes to bed, I workout & then I go to bed. I'm such an early bedtime goer!

Anyone follow the workouts? I'm a couple of days behind schedule because some days I do different workouts. Here's what I'm up for tonight:

MONDAY 141117

3 rounds for time of:
30 toes-to-bars
155-lb. clean and jerks, 15 reps

There will be modifications for sure. :) I will leave you with P's creation tonight:

He's a knight. He made his outfit with wood, cardboard, tape & markers. I love his creativity!

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